Lifelong Learning

Working with schools:

G&K Consulting has a very strong background in education both in terms of working directly with schools and with children and young people's services. Gulshan Kayembe, the lead consultant, is a very experienced school Improvement advisor. She has also held senior posts in schools and Local Authorities.

What can we offer? 

§ School improvement services - working with senior and middle managers to identify, develop and improve provision including teaching and learning 

§ School reviews - to provide the school with detailed information on how well it is doing and what needs to be improved. The review can be whole-school or focused on a specific subject or aspect of the school's work - for example, SEN, EAL, sixth form, early years 

§ Local Authority reviews - i.e. school effectiveness services, support for EAL/ethnic minority pupils, IT support to schools etc. 

§ Expertise in self-evaluation including how to produce a good quality SEF (self-evaluation form) and 

§ How to analyse and use data to support both self-evaluation and school improvement 

§ Lesson observation training including learning through joint observations 

§ Assessment to support learning - this is a specific focus on the New Inspection Framework for September 2015 - Gulshan has developed a wide range of work around assessment to support learning which can be shared through training or practical work in schools 

§ Leadership and management development for senior and middle managers - includes mentoring 

§ Performance management - training those new to it or supporting more experienced staff in developing their skills 

§ Governance - support and development for the role of governors including self-evaluation, interpreting data, governors' responsibilities on safe-guarding, recruitment and selection, community cohesion and race equality 

§ Training and support for developing the school's Community Cohesion work 

§ Equality of Opportunity, Inclusion and Diversity: training and support to develop provision for pupils learning English as an additional language and raising the attainment of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds 

§ Developing pupil voice including working with schools on consulting with pupils through focused group discussions as well as surveys 

§ Working with parents - a key but important part of the school's work - Gulshan has spent much time over the years with many groups of parents and developed a resource file to maximise the relationships with parents to support their children's learning. 

We are located at:

G&K Consulting

196 Grange Road The Grange


IP11 2QF

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+44 01394 212479+44 01394 212479


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