Working in the Voluntary Sector
§ Governance - training and facilitation
that supports trustees and boards in understanding and developing their governance roles
§ Performance Management - getting the best out of people - training and support to voluntary sector organisations to carry out effective
reviews. G&K Consulting also offer services to review current performance management systems and advise on improving these
§ Leadership development - training and support to develop and hone leadership skills - focusing on leadership for today's world and
specialising in dealing with cultures and cultural change as well as change management and inspiring people
§ Team building - G&K Consulting offers sessions to help new teams to get to know each other, existing teams to help them work to
their best
§ Setting strategy - facilitation to develop strategy within the organisation to support improvement and
§ Managing difficult people and handling conflict - training courses and support to individuals on being able to tackle both difficult
situations and people in order to get the best out of them
§ Recruitment and selection - training for staff undertaking recruitment and selection activities - this is a hugely successful two-day
course with long waiting lists - it provides managers with key knowledge and skills to select the best person for the job
§ Diversity - developing knowledge and understanding of diversity and how to put this into practice on a day-to-day basis. Training
covers attitudes, stereotyping and legislation as well as practical examples. Support for organisations includes developing policies, putting these into practice, reviewing practice and constructing
equality impact assessments