Leadership Development
Investing in leadership development is the key to getting the most out of our middle and senior leaders. Getting the leadership right will have a significant impact on your school or academy's performance. Leaders set the tone and culture of an organisation; good leaders have the power to motivate staff and get the best out of them.
Getting the right range and mix of skills needed for great leadership is not always a straightforward process. Managing performance well is at the heart of good leadership and management and this means using performance management in the right way to develop people.
If you want to develop your leaders to be well equipped to deal with the demands of education today, you will find the following courses useful:
n Making middle leaders more effective
n Developing the roles of senior leaders
n Team building
n Skills for leadership for middle leaders
n Skills for leadership for senior leaders
n Strategic thinking and planning for the medium and long-term
n Establishing a culture of high expectations
n Managing change
n Managing difficult conversations and situations
n Recruiting and selecting the right people
n Managing performance and performance management
n Developing and implementing a strategy for mental well-being
n Being inclusive
n Safeguarding for Designated Safeguarding Leaders
n Self-evaluation for school improvement
We have the capacity and capability to provide bespoke training on leadership and management development.
In addition, we provide a wide range of training for governors to improve governance. These include:
n Good governance
n Self-evaluation for governors
n Understanding data and using it to hold leaders to account
n Holding leaders to account
n Making the most of the pupils premium funding
n Induction training for new governors
n Governors' responsibilities for safeguarding
n Strategic planning
n Succession planning
n Effective recruitment and selection.
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